Save time and money with Glouton
Glouton is a directory of 25081 recipes connected to supermarket deals. But it's also so much more...
Maximize your savings
We use the power of artificial intelligence to analyze the recipes and deals of your favorite supermarkets every week.
Find the best deals
- Our Flyers tool allows you to search among the discounts and sort the best ones first.
No more waste
- The Fridge cleaner offers recipes according to what you have left. A positive impact for the planet and your wallet.
Cooking deals
- Our Money Saver tool makes it easy to find the most advantageous recipes that combine the deals of your favorite supermarkets (coming soon in English).
Our quality score
- A score (out of 10) is assigned to articles of the supermarket flyers. This score is based on the seasonality, frequency and generosity of the discount.
More time for you
A good organization is the key to saving time and Glouton help you get there.

Frequently asked questions

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